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Part-Time Jobs and Volunteering Fair

Part-Time Jobs and Volunteering Fair
Week 1: 28th September – 2nd October 2020
Week 2: 2nd – 6th November 2020
If you are looking for a part-time/casual job or volunteer opportunity, make sure you take part in our virtual Part-Time Jobs & Volunteering Fair, which is happening online during two separate weeks in September and November 2020.

Due to continuing safety measures in response to COVID-19, we are unable to run the fair in its usual face-to-face one-day event format and so instead, there will be a range of webinars where you can connect with employers advertising opportunities, hear from other students about their experience of working/volunteering whilst studying, and other virtual content for you to engage with.
These virtual events are open to all current students at the University of Sheffield. 
Be sure to follow us at @unishefcareers and @sheffieldvolunteering and look out for the latest news and updates!