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If you have already registered on MyJobshop please log-in below

Do not use your University Password and/or share your password with anyone.


You need to register and provide your eligibility to work (ETW)* in the UK documents before you start work.

If you don't have a University of Sheffield Email Address, please use a personal email address.
Do not use your University Password and/or share your password with anyone.

The amendments to the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) Order 1975 (2013 and 2020) provides that when applying for certain jobs and activities, certain convictions and cautions are considered ‘protected’. This means that they do not need to be disclosed to employers, and if they are disclosed, employers cannot take them into account. Guidance about whether a conviction or caution should be disclosed can be found on the Ministry of Justice website.

Declaration - Privacy Policy - Information for Workers
I hereby acknowledge that my personal data will be used in accordance with The University of Sheffield's Privacy Policy in relation to the myJobshop service and the information I have provided is to the best of my knowledge both accurate and up-to-date.
Candidate Consent Settings
If you apply for a role; or work via the myJobshop system we keep your data to enable us to process applications and manage candidate timesheets and pay.

If you apply for a role but do not work via myJobshop we keep the information for 5 years, but your account will be archived.